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匹配条件: “Grall KH” ,找到相关结果约1383条。
Online research article discussion board to increase knowledge translation during emergency medicine residency
Stoneking LR, Grall KH, Min AA, Panchal AR
Advances in Medical Education and Practice , 2013, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/AMEP.S40015
Abstract: line research article discussion board to increase knowledge translation during emergency medicine residency Original Research (481) Total Article Views Authors: Stoneking LR, Grall KH, Min AA, Panchal AR Published Date January 2013 Volume 2013:4 Pages 17 - 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/AMEP.S40015 Received: 07 November 2012 Accepted: 05 December 2012 Published: 29 January 2013 Lisa R Stoneking, Kristi H Grall, Alice A Min, Ashish R Panchal Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, USA Background: Many clinicians have difficulties reading current best practice journal articles on a regular basis. Discussion boards are one method of online asynchronous learning that facilitates active learning and participation. We hypothesized that an online repository of best practice articles with a discussion board would increase journal article reading by emergency medicine residents. Methods: Participants answered three questions weekly on a discussion board: What question does this study address? What does this study add to our knowledge? How might this change clinical practice? A survey regarding perceived barriers to participating was then distributed. Results: Most participants completed an article summary once or twice in total (23/32, 71.9%). Only three were involved most weeks (3/32, 9.4%) whereas 5/32 (15.6%) participated monthly. The most common barriers were lack of time (20/32, 62.5%), difficulty logging on (7/32, 21.9%), and forgetting (6/32, 18.8%). Conclusion: Although subjects were provided weekly with an article link, email, and feedback, journal article reading frequency did not increase.
Online research article discussion board to increase knowledge translation during emergency medicine residency
Stoneking LR,Grall KH,Min AA,Panchal AR
Advances in Medical Education and Practice , 2013,
Abstract: Lisa R Stoneking, Kristi H Grall, Alice A Min, Ashish R PanchalDepartment of Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, USABackground: Many clinicians have difficulties reading current best practice journal articles on a regular basis. Discussion boards are one method of online asynchronous learning that facilitates active learning and participation. We hypothesized that an online repository of best practice articles with a discussion board would increase journal article reading by emergency medicine residents.Methods: Participants answered three questions weekly on a discussion board: What question does this study address? What does this study add to our knowledge? How might this change clinical practice? A survey regarding perceived barriers to participating was then distributed.Results: Most participants completed an article summary once or twice in total (23/32, 71.9%). Only three were involved most weeks (3/32, 9.4%) whereas 5/32 (15.6%) participated monthly. The most common barriers were lack of time (20/32, 62.5%), difficulty logging on (7/32, 21.9%), and forgetting (6/32, 18.8%).Conclusion: Although subjects were provided weekly with an article link, email, and feedback, journal article reading frequency did not increase.Keywords: online research, discussion board, knowledge translation, emergency medicine residency
Coinductive big-step operational semantics
Xavier Leroy,Hervé Grall
Computer Science , 2008,
Abstract: Using a call-by-value functional language as an example, this article illustrates the use of coinductive definitions and proofs in big-step operational semantics, enabling it to describe diverging evaluations in addition to terminating evaluations. We formalize the connections between the coinductive big-step semantics and the standard small-step semantics, proving that both semantics are equivalent. We then study the use of coinductive big-step semantics in proofs of type soundness and proofs of semantic preservation for compilers. A methodological originality of this paper is that all results have been proved using the Coq proof assistant. We explain the proof-theoretic presentation of coinductive definitions and proofs offered by Coq, and show that it facilitates the discovery and the presentation of the results.
Does Spanish instruction for emergency medicine resident physicians improve patient satisfaction in the emergency department and adherence to medical recommendations?
A Bellafiore,AL Waterbrook,C Davies,D Johnston,J Fatás-Cabeza,J Garst Orozco,KH Grall,LR Stoneking,O Beita,T Nu?o,V Ng,W Adamas-Rappaport
- , 2016, DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S110177
Abstract: After emergency department (ED) discharge, Spanish-speaking patients with limited English proficiency are less likely than English-proficient patients to be adherent to medical recommendations and are more likely to be dissatisfied with their visit
Simulation of Dose Assessment for Special Environmental Radioactivity Distribution Using Monte Carlo Technique  [PDF]
Kh. Allam
Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation (OJMSi) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ojmsi.2014.23011
Abstract: Many researchers use the estimation method of exposure doses due to natural radioactivity adopted by UNSCEAR equation, which is based on an infinite plan source modeling. The results in most cases are acceptable within acceptable accuracy and error. However, in many cases, this approach cannot be applied e.g., for more complicated source geometry, composition, radioactivity distribution and so on. In previous situations, simulation and modeling are needed for exposure dose calculation to get more acceptable and accurate results. In the present work, modeling and recalculation of exposure dose rate are performed for an important previous published study about Hammam Pharaon. The study is selected because of its special physical characterization parameters and possible effects on Egyptian tourism. The effects of radionuclides distribution with soils and source composition, density, and geometry as recommended by NCRP 129 have been taken into consideration. The results for depth profile calculation show the conformation with the NCRP 129, which indicates a reduction in the free air exposure dose due to the fact that the above soil covered the active slab by 20% - 25% for 1 cm cover-up to 95% - 100% for 30 cm cover. In addition, the effect of density variation in dose rate is studied. A comparison with previous results has been performed.
Easier detection of invertebrate "identification-key characters" with light of different wavelengths
Marcel HM Koken, Jacques Grall
Frontiers in Zoology , 2011, DOI: 10.1186/1742-9994-8-27
Abstract: Here we show that illuminating animals with deep-blue or ultraviolet light instead of the normal white-light abrogates both difficulties; dirt disappears and important details become clearly visible. This light regime has also two other advantages. It allows easy detection of very small, normally invisible, animals (0.1 μm range). And as these light wavelengths can induce fluorescence, new identification markers may be discovered by this approach.When trying to identify small marine animals the α-taxonomist looks for features that objectively distinguish one species from another, and often he encounters two problems. Firstly, the "dirt" omnipresent in the marine environment sticks onto the specimens thereby often masking hairs, chaetae, bristles, spicules, plates, and the many other features, which require to be observed. Secondly, animals that are fixed in formalin or alcohol show a rather uniform colour (for some this is also true in their native state). Both problems make identification very time consuming and if these could be avoided determination would be easier and quicker for both taxonomists and routine observers. Here we show that illumination with deep blue or UV light completely eliminates above problems.We use a Zeiss LUMAR dissecting microscope to screen for fluorescent patterns on marine animals, to decipher potential UV light-induced behavioural signs [1-4] and to identify sources for the isolation of new fluorescent proteins, which may lead to new in situ imaging tools [5]. During these screens it became rapidly clear that the use of different light colours has four advantages for the taxonomist:Figure 1 shows that the small amphipod, Gammarus salina (Figure 1A, left) and the small crab, Macropodia linaresi (Figure 1B, left) are both covered with "dirt" which is clearly visible when exposed to normal light. Note how difficult it is to count the hairs on the crab or to see the hairs or the form of the chitin plates on the amphipod's body. Illuminatio
CREOLE: a Universal Language for Creating, Requesting, Updating and Deleting Resources
Mayleen Lacouture,Hervé Grall,Thomas Ledoux
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , 2010, DOI: 10.4204/eptcs.30.2
Abstract: In the context of Service-Oriented Computing, applications can be developed following the REST (Representation State Transfer) architectural style. This style corresponds to a resource-oriented model, where resources are manipulated via CRUD (Create, Request, Update, Delete) interfaces. The diversity of CRUD languages due to the absence of a standard leads to composition problems related to adaptation, integration and coordination of services. To overcome these problems, we propose a pivot architecture built around a universal language to manipulate resources, called CREOLE, a CRUD Language for Resource Edition. In this architecture, scripts written in existing CRUD languages, like SQL, are compiled into Creole and then executed over different CRUD interfaces. After stating the requirements for a universal language for manipulating resources, we formally describe the language and informally motivate its definition with respect to the requirements. We then concretely show how the architecture solves adaptation, integration and coordination problems in the case of photo management in Flickr and Picasa, two well-known service-oriented applications. Finally, we propose a roadmap for future work.
To the Question of Validity Grüneisen Solid State Equation  [PDF]
Vladimir Kh. Kozlovskiy
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2012.24038
Abstract: The first justified theory of solid state was proposed by Grüneisen in the year 1912 and was based on the virial theorem. The forces of interaction between two atoms were assumed as changing with distance between them according to inverse power laws. But only virial theorem is insufficient to deduce the equation of state, so this author has introduced some relations, which are correct, when the forces linearly depend on displacement of atoms. But with such law of interaction the phase transitions cannot take place. Debye received Grüneisen equation in another way. He deduced the expression for thermocapacity, using Plank formula for energy of harmonic vibrator. Taking into account the dependence of atomic vibration frequency from distance between atoms, when the forces of interaction are anharmonic, he received the equation of state, which in classical limit turns to Grüneisen equation. The question, formulated by Debye is—How can we come to phase transitions, when Plank formula for harmonic vibrator was used? Debye solved this question not perfectly, because he was born to small anharmonicity. In the presented work a chain of atoms is considered, and their movement is analysed by means of relations, equivalent to virial theorem and theorem of Lucas (disappearing of mean force). Both are the results of variation principle of Hamilton. The Grüneisen equation for low temperature (not very low, where quantum expression for energy is essential) was obtained, and a family of isotherms and isobars are drown, which show the existence of spinodals, where phase transitions occur. So, Grüneisen equation is an equation of state for low temperatures.
To Problem of the Rewinding of the Tape with Automatically Adjustable Influences  [PDF]
Muhsin Kh. Teshaev
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.515217
Abstract: In this work the problem of rewinding of a tape with constant speed is considered. Considering that drums represent bodies of variable weight, the equations of motion of system are formulated. Taking into account parametrical clearing of system of servo-constraints, the structure of force of reaction of servo-constraints which provides steady realization of servo-constraints (a constancy of linear speed of a tape) is defined. For realization of servo-constraints, it is offered to build digital watching system (DWS) and the full system of equations of DWS is formed. Laws of change of the operating influences, systems providing stability under the relation of the variety defined of servo-constraints are defined.
The Boguslawski Melting Model  [PDF]
Vladimir Kh. Kozlovskiy
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2016.61007
Abstract: The anharmonic vibrator, whose expression of potential energy contains second and third powers of coordinates, is treated on the basis of dynamical procedure, which presents the state of motion by means of mean position and mean amplitude of vibration. The divergent statistical integral comes here not into consideration. The free energy is represented through mean atomic displacement and developed in power series, retaining fourth degree. The graphs show that at certain temperature, the minimum in free energy disappears, and the atom escapes from the potential pit. A simple atomic model that represents this phenomenon is proposed and the influence of model dimension and pressure on melting temperature will be presented.

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